Are you looking for an opportunity to learn, improve, or practice your English during this difficult time?
Here are some things to look for and some things to avoid.
- Any Institute that guarantees success. It is impossible to guarantee success without knowing a student’s study habits.
- Any Institute/Teacher that claims he is she is the “Only” person that can help you achieve your dreams or goals. There is something to be said about building a Teacher and student relationship. Every teacher has a different style. Students have different learning styles. Finding that match is a better guarantee of success.
- Any teacher who has a long list of Institutes or schools. This means one of two things. Either the Teacher is changing from one job to the next depending on who pays more (A sure sign that pay is more important than quality or the students.), or the teacher can’t keep a job.
- Another thing to remember. I know many Americans that sell their value as an American. While it is true that you will learn how to pronounce, it is not necessarily true that all Americans can teach.
Be careful of demo classes. Anyone can look like a great Teacher in the first class.
Look for.
- Institutes that existed before this difficult time. Yes there are some great teachers that are working individually to help them through this difficult time, but there are far more using this difficult time to make unsupportable claims of experience and excellence. Remember the internet is a place where anyone can create an image that can be true or false. Investigate.
Call the last three schools or institutes they worked at. - Look for reviews. What do people say about the teachers or institutes? I have met teachers who promise good grades if the students give good reviews. So, my suggestion is to contact some of the people who have left a review and talk to them.
The difference between me and other teachers or institutes.
- I don’t claim how good or bad I am. My students do. I do try to make tomorrow’s class better than today’s.
- I don’t claim my program is the best. My results do. I do constantly solicit opinions of my students to improve the results.
- I don’t guarantee my students’ success. My students must guarantee themselves. I just give them the necessary tools to achieve success.
- I didn’t give myself the name MisterToefl. My students did.